• Your initial visit will include a thorough review of your current health concerns as well as pertinent past medical history and family health history, current supplements, medications, allergies, and your health goals. Dr. Benkley will make recommendations for further evaluation and testing. She will provide initial treatment recommendations; however, the full treatment protocol will be provided and discussed at your first follow up appointment.

  • The first follow-up visit typically takes place 4 weeks after your initial appointment. Your follow-up visit will include review of labs and you will be provided with a comprehensive treatment plan. Subsequent follow up appointments are scheduled for 4-12 weeks after your first follow up.

  • Dr. Benkley does not offer primary care services.

  • Dr. Benkley accepts the following insurances at Mandala Medicine and Wellness in Portland, OR: Regence Blue Cross, Providence, Aetna, Pacific Source and Moda. Mandala’s office staff can help confirm your coverage: 503-758-9760.

  • Please call 503-758-9760 for information on pricing for initial and follow up visits.

    Dr. Benkley offers a free 15-minute introductory call to briefly review your health concerns and determine if it will be a good fit to work together.